Are you a "Good Consumer"?

Posted by Dave W. | Sunday, December 28, 2008 | , 0 comments |

Check out Neil Boorman's video titled, "The Good Consumer".  Boorman says on his website Bonfire of the Brands: "As an anti-consumerism campaigner, I’m frequently labelled as irresponsible when I encourage people to stop shopping. But the Government is being much more reckless, when they ask us to shop our way out of the crash. If ever there was a time to rethink our reliance upon consumerism, when the economic rules are being re-written, it would be now."  

Clare Short, former British International Development Secretary echoes his sentiment: "If we don’t shift to a less consumerist and throwaway society, we’ll hit crisis after crisis, and it’s coming soon."  

I love his Orwellian-like spoof of the "brainwashing" that retailers, government and financial experts have spouted that we as consumers have an obligation to buy new and buy often.  What's scary is that people are still preaching this crap even though this is exactly what put us into a recession in the first place.  So were you a "good consumer" before the recession and are you still one now?